Dubai world

Dubai world

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fun and Laughters

Life is full of fun and without fun everyone will be dull and boring. Science research shows it takes more muscles to frown than to smile and a funny man will make more friends than someone who is not . Fun can be shared and enjoyed by many people and for example , when we play a game we have fun. Jokes are a main source of fun and it is like a explosion ,spreading to everyone near you .

Students like us face numerous stress from CCA, homework and now even TfU . Everyday , we endure the insipid lessons through out the day but there is always a lesson that will make everyone laugh till their jaws drop(I don't mean it literally). It is the lesson that everyone anticipate and looks forward to ... the English lesson .The lesson started with ,of course , the greeting -it is not solemn everyone tense to laugh as we greeted. Beneficial lesson is going to start as we jotted down the “ chime” words ( difficult ones ) which I believe to be quite “ important” .

The highlight of day is the reading of story by Mr Hamilton using a foreign accent – Chinese , American or the funniest of , Indian. Its quite an insult to them but they were not only not insulted, but they also laughed ,Oh my God ,Isn't that an irony? Often ,the clowns in our class would have been laughing out loud ( I bet the class opposite would have heard us !).

Just as I thought that that would the joke of the day, something funnier happened. One of the clowns which I have mentioned pulled the chair of an innocent, quiet boy but instead of him falling down, the “bully” fell .Isn't that ridiculous? Such a joke and an irony! I could just could not stop laughing... haha! Oh ,did I forget to tell you why? It is because of another friend of his who is trying to make fun of him.

Stay Happy ;)

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